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Special Thanks to Funeral (un)Conference 2022


I’m excited to be taking part in the 2022 Funeral (Un)Conference.

The most valuable part of any convention is the time spent at bars and restaurants with your friends sharing stories and tips you’ve experienced. That’s what this event is all about! I’ll be part of a panel discussion with some of the biggest names in the profession catered towards your input and questions. You don’t want to miss this!

Learning and growing shouldn’t always cost an arm and a leg. Funeral (Un)Conference 2022 is your chance to watch and take part in discussions with us and other profession leaders for FREE. That’s right- this virtual event is three days packed with value and information and is put on at no cost to the attendees. I hope to see you there!

For most conferences you have to take days away from the office, book flights, hotels and stand in registration lines. Funeral (Un)Conference is taking the valuable parts of conventions and conferences directly to your screen- all for free.