Schedule me to get your
CYA game ON!
Don’t get burned or sued. I can teach you everything you need to cover your ass. Whether you are a solopreneur, a business owner, startup dreamer, executive or manager, or an organization or association leader, I will give you the full run down on everything CYA related.
It's about creating a true CYA culture that everyone understands and buys into. And here’s the funny part: with a little CYA, your business will be better.
Protect your business, increase your efficiency, and maximize your potential.
Here are a few CYA topics I often speak on:
Business Ethics
Legal Liability
Regulatory Operations
Risk Analysis
Sales Strategy
Process Evaluation
Conflict Management
Employee Training
Policy & Procedure Construction
Company Culture
And More…
My experience with ass-covering stems from my experience handling million-dollar cases within the deathcare profession, as well as decisions and recommendations to prevent million-dollar problems. Yeah, it seems weird, but people don’t like it when their dead family isn’t treated properly.